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管理 Xbox 上游戏的下载网络带宽 | Xbox Support
管理 Xbox 上游戏的下载网络带宽. 如果将游戏设置为自动更新,则最近很可能使用大量网络带宽。. 某些 Internet 服务提供商 (ISP) 将下载限制为每月特定数量的千兆字节 (GB)。. 如果你的游戏处于最新状态,并且没有达到你的 ISP 设置的数据限制,将一切正常 ...
打开 OneDrive 并上传文件 - Microsoft 支持
打开 OneDrive 移动应用并选择“ 文件 ”或“ 最近使用的文件 ”。. 选择文件。. 如果需要安装 Office 移动应用,请参阅 在移动设备上设置 Office 应用和电子邮件 。. 在 OneDrive 中,选择“ 上传 ”。. 在“文件资源管理器”中,选择文件并将其拖至 OneDrive。. 注意 ...
适用于: OneDrive (工作或学校)
Xbox 无线控制器快速入门指南 | Xbox Support
Xbox 无线控制器快速入门指南. 安装控制器电池. 用一只手握住倒置的控制器。. 用另一只手的拇指按箭头符号上的电池门,并按箭头指示的方向移动电池门。. 按电池盒槽内显示的方向插入电池。. 启动控制器. 按控制器前面的 Xbox 按钮 。. 配对控制器. 有关如何将 ...
Maximize upload and download speed - Microsoft Support
Learn about the factors that influence the upload and download speed of your OneDrive files, and what you can do to increase the speed of transfers.
适用于: OneDrive (工作或学校), OneDrive (家庭或个人), 由世纪互联运营的 OneDrive (工作或学校)
Set up your Xbox Series X|S console | Xbox Support
The Xbox Series X console comes with a 2-metre Ultra High Speed HDMI cable that supports HDMI 2.1 features, including 4K gaming at 120Hz. Make sure to position your console within 2 metres of your TV so this cable will reach. If you require a longer cable, make sure to purchase a certified Ultra High Speed HDMI cable.
CONVERT function - Microsoft Support
Syntax. CONVERT ( number, from_unit, to_unit) Number is the value in from_units to convert. From_unit is the units for number. To_unit is the units for the result. CONVERT accepts the following text values (in quotation marks) for from_unit and to_unit.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Excel, Excel 网页版, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2019 for Mac, Excel 2016, Excel 2013
Troubleshoot an Xbox 360 wireless network connection
Press the Guide button on your controller, select Settings, and select System Settings. Select Network Settings. Select the name of your wireless network when the network list is displayed. Select Configure Network. On the Additional Settings tab, select Restore to Factory Defaults. When prompted, select Yes, Restore to Factory Defaults.
Why is my Internet connection so slow? - Microsoft Support
Windows provides a built-in troubleshooter that can automatically find and fix some common connection problems. Open the Internet Connections troubleshooter by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type troubleshooter, and then click Troubleshooting. Under Network and Internet, click Connect to the ...
入门 | 登录和注销 | Skype 支持
选择收到的邀请链接。. 如果您安装了 Skype,Skype 将启动并转到对话以开始聊天。. 如果您没有安装 Skype,请安装 Skype,然后再次选择 "对话" 链接以开始聊天。. 如果您安装了 Skype,您也可以通过复制链接或会议代码并将其粘贴到 Skype 中,直接加入任何 " 立即 ...
Troubleshoot issues with the Xbox app on your smart TV
A wired connection is ideal, but if you’re using a wireless network, use a 5 GHz network when connecting your devices wirelessly (you’re likely to get interference on a 2.4 GHz—this can affect audio and video quality). If you have a dual-band router, you may need to enable or separate the 5 GHz signal, then make sure your cloud gaming devices are all connected to this same signal.